
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Welcome to the world of tomorrow | Knowledge Brings Fear

We Lost the war. Welcome to the world of tomorrow. So it is no wonder that most people do not like to acknowledge that we have lost. We had a reasonable chance to tame the wild beast of universal surveillance technology, approximately until september 10th, 2001. One day later, we had lost. All the hopes we had, to keep the big corporations and “security forces” at bay and develop interesting alternative concepts in the virtual world, evaporated with the smoke clouds of the World Trade Center

Welcome to the world of tomorrow | Knowledge Brings Fear.

We are in a new world, and we have lost the battle for privacy and individual rights. I believe that the concept of personal freedom will be seen historically as something that existed between the enlightenment and the year 2000. People in the future will look back at this era and wonder at how we gave away everything that millions have fought and died for. It is a sad time.

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